Italy: Demographics

        Possible solutions for current problems

        For the problem of Elderly there is no easy solution as they themselves cannot work and there is nowhere for them to go so the easiest solution is to fix the second problem of a low birth rate and then wait for the elderly to pass away and the new generation of the workforce to be born.
        As for the problem of a low birth rate there where easy solutions attempted by the Italian government that involved monetary compensation.  In 2005, the Italian government offered 272 Euros in family benefits to try to get a temporary child birth rate boost.  They also tried an idea like one put in place in China called the "baby bonus" that in the case a family had a child they would receive a 1000 euro bonus.
        Some ideas located on the internet are to encourage women in Italy to have more children and offer them more support.  In, addition the "baby bonus" should be implemented but with an exponential bonus such that when the first child is born the family shall receive 1000 euoros and if they should have a second child they will be compensated 2000 Euros and etcetera.  Another less effective but nonetheless interesting idea is to have the children that are not yet of working age help the elderly citizens withthings such as their healthcare, work and even thing as small as running errands (hi...).
        Some of my own ideas are ones (in a very extreme conditions) that would only be implemented if the situation got to extreme.  One such idea is to lower the pension for the retired part of the population.  By lowering the pension the elderly would not have as comfortable conditions but the country could use the saved money on industries and increasing commercial prosperity.  Another such idea is increasing the minimum retirement age.  By doing this it would increase the percent of the population that can work and therefore contributing more to the countries economy as opposed to leeching off of it. 

        Possible solutions for future problems

        A possible solution to the probable decline of the Italian economy would be to bring increase the number of immigrants coming into Italy. This could never fully compensate for the lack of child births but it would definetly be a large benefit to the workforce and ease the dependancy load a little.
        Some other ideas that could be implemented in the future could be the same as solutions for current population challenges such as the financial compensation for children, lowering pensions and increasing minimum retirement age.
        Other unique ideas could include using inmates from prisons for work in exchange for time off sentence of course depending on the severity of the crime.  Another similar idea is to force those arrested for minor offences to work a certain number of hours without pay.

        Populaton Pyramids from 1995-2050 (projected)